Published to Newsletter on Feb 17, 2025
Benefits of Participation
At the very minimal cost of a yearly donation of annual leave, eligible staff can participate in the Catastrophic Leave (Cat Leave) program. The Cat Leave program provides full salary continuance for staff who are unable to work due to a catastrophic illness or injury or who are unable to work in order to care for an immediate family member who has experienced a catastrophic illness or injury. Visit the HR website for details about the Cat Leave program.
Cat Leave Donation & Opt-Out Period for FY2025-2026
To be eligible for the Cat Leave program, eligible staff make a yearly minimal donation of annual leave.
Staff who have donated in the previous fiscal year will only donate one (1) hour from their annual leave bank for the upcoming fiscal year.
First-time participants or those who previously opted out and want to rejoin the program make a donation that is a percentage of the total hours of your normal workweek. For example, if you work full-time at 40 hours, your one-time donation for the upcoming fiscal year will be six (6) hours.
Annual leave deductions for the coming fiscal year (2025 - 2026) will take place in May. As a reminder, this is a one-time donation per fiscal year.
All employees eligible for the Cat Leave Program will receive emails in April with instructions on how to participate in or opt out of the program. Given the great benefit of the Cat Leave program, we encourage you to review the details of the program prior to making your decision to participate or opt out.
Employees who choose to opt out of the Cat Leave program will not be able to access this benefit during the fiscal year they have elected to opt out of, even if they or an immediate family member experience a catastrophic condition that would otherwise be eligible for the program.
To learn more about the annual leave deductions coming in May and other details about the program, including who qualifies as an immediate family member and what qualifies as a catastrophic illness or injury, visit the Catastrophic Leave webpage and University Administrative Policy 3430.
Questions? Contact the Absence Management team in Benefits & Employee Wellness at or 505.277.6947.