Employee Safety Tips and Ways to Help Make Campus Safer Now
It has been nearly a year since most Lobos have transitioned to remote learning and work due to COVID-19.
We want you to know that maintaining a safe campus environment is a priority as UNM continues to engage in a hybrid learning model.
Two departments, UNM Police Department (UNMPD) and UNM Facilities Management (FM), are primarily responsible for working on campus to provide a well-maintained, clean and safe environment.
While we are working to keep you and our buildings safe, we want to make you aware of a few things you can do right now to help make our campus safer.
- REPORT SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY or INDIVIDUALS on main campus to UNMPD or a security officer.
- REPORT PEDESTRIAN SAFETY ISSUES to UNMPD or a security officer. Pedestrian safety and ADA accessibility on campus is important, which is why UNM has a policy to regulate the recreational use of bicycles, scooters, skateboards, etc. on campus. As a reminder, the policy states that non-motorized and small-motorized vehicles are allowed for commuting to campus and for cautious transportation on campus. Inappropriate and recreational use of these vehicles can cause injuries, endanger others, cause accessibility issues for community members with disabilities and cause damage to UNM property, which is why these uses are prohibited.
- DON’T DELAY. Prompt reporting can mean a faster response time and increases the likelihood of resolving problems before they escalate. 911 and UNMPD dispatch are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- REPORT MAINTENANCE ISSUES. Not all issues require a law enforcement response. If campus users encounter maintenance problems, such as overflowing trash cans, graffiti, broken windows, damaged campus furniture, or other equipment or building problems, they can report this directly to Facilities Management. Remember, a cleaner campus is a safer campus.
- Download and use the Lobo Guardian mobile personal safety app to report any suspicious activity or persons to UNMPD. The app allows you to report safety issues, both on the record and anonymously. Keep in mind that reporting suspicious activity promptly can help stop crime before it occurs.
- Familiarize yourself with UNM Code Blue phone locations. You can use Code Blue phones to connect directly to the UNM Police department to report issues or to get help. Visit map.unm.edu and click on the Blue Phones check box to see UNM’s Code Blue Phone locations on Main Campus, North Campus and beyond.
- For non-emergency maintenance issues, contact Facilities Management Work Control by calling 505-277-1600 during normal business hours (7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) or submit a work order request through iServiceDesk if it is for your building or workspace. Afterhours, contact UNMPD dispatch who will notify the on-call maintenance staff.
As a Lobo, you can play an important part in creating a secure and safe campus by respecting the policies and protocols that are in place and by reporting safety.
If you have questions, please email isspublicrelations@unm.edu.