The Performance Review Process


The Performance Review is not an event, but an ongoing process. It begins with the employee and manager working together to establish performance expectations for the year. Throughout the year, the employee receives support and feedback to improve and enhance performance. The process culminates when the year-end review is completed and successful performance is rewarded. Then it starts all over again.

The performance review cycle includes 3 phases:


To begin the planning process, the employee and manager should review overall expectations, which includes collaborating on the development of performance objectives. Goals, duties and values will also be discussed and updated. This phase helps to direct the efforts toward achieving specific results to support organizational excellence and success.


During the coach/support phase, goals, duties and objectives should be discussed throughout the year during one-on-one meetings. This provides a framework to ensure employees achieve results through coaching/support and mutual feedback.


At the end of the performance period the employee will do a self assessment along with being assessed by the manager. During this phase, the performance will be assessed against expected objectives as well as the means used and behaviors (values) demonstrated in achieving those objectives.