"SMART" Goals
Work with your employees to write goals using the "SMART" goals format. A "SMART" goal is written so that it describes how results are to be obtained, how results will be measured, and when the work will be done.
- Concrete
- Action verb ("To" + Verb)
- Numeric or descriptive measures
- Quantity: how many, rate, or volume
- Quality: how well, level of accuracy, completeness or originality
- Cost: how much, or cost limits within which employee must work
- Timeliness: meeting deadlines and achieving results
- "Stretch" but feasible
- Sufficiently limited in scope
- Within employee’s control and influence
- Measures actual outputs or results, not activities
- Results include products, deliverables, accomplishments
- Align with business goals
- Target date identified
- Interim steps, plan to monitor progress