The UNM LoboHealth medical plan is available to benefits-eligible retirees and their eligible dependents. The plan offers low out of pocket costs for Tier 1 services and access to a wide range of providers in New Mexico and in the BlueCross BlueShield (BCBS) national network.
UNM Health System
Optum Health (formerly DaVita Medical Group)
First Choice Community Health Providers and Facilities
LoboCare Clinic for same-day or next-day acute care appointments
Additional BCBS providers (providing services for lab and x-ray, medical suppliers, mental health, rehab/PT, and fertility)
BlueCross BlueShield National PPO, which includes Lovelace Health System providers and hospitals.
You may choose Tier 2 providers at time of service without approval.
Only usual and customary charges are covered
Providers and facilities not contracted with your Third-Party Administrator (TPA). Notify your TPA first to receive the maximum available benefit if you use this option
Post-retirement medical and dental benefits are only available to retirees who were employed with UNM on June 30, 2015 and prior and who have met the VEBA participation requirements. To access these benefits, a potential retiree must meet the criteria outlined in University Administrative Policy 3600, Section 3.1.
A Pre-65 Retiree is defined as an employee who retires from UNM before the age of 65. Immediately prior to retirement, the retiree may elect the same medical coverage he or she had as an active employee, but pay premiums based on the percentages outlined in the VEBA premium contribution rate schedule. Retiree premiums are determined by service credits paid into VEBA. Read more about the Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association (VEBA).
Eligible Pre-65 retirees have the following enrollment opportunities
Finally, if you are enrolling dependents, be prepared to provide “proof documentation”. Some Examples of Dependent Proof Documents are available here. Deadlines for submission of these documents vary in accordance with the enrollment opportunities listed above.