Published to Newsletter on Jul 29, 2020
Lauren Lewis, MS, NASM-CpT
Health Education Consultant
Employee Wellness
I’ve talked to many individuals over the years who can’t seem to find the motivation to stick with a consistent fitness routine long term. What’s the common thread among them? They are all on shaky ground when it comes to making fitness a priority. They acknowledge it’s something they should do, but that’s all they know. They don’t have a solid foundation to build upon that will help them make fitness a priority.
If this sounds familiar to you, I suggest focusing on the following areas to build your fitness foundation. Once you have these items figured out, you can move forward in your fitness journey and add to your groundwork.
Define your WHY
I always want people to start here because without defining your WHY you’ll float around, hoping you’ll get to it someday. Human behavior shows us that without a compelling reason to do something, we probably won’t do it. Try to find some strong reasons for making fitness a priority.
Have a PLAN
Once you know why you are adopting a more active lifestyle, developing a plan is the next step. Make it as specific as possible. The plan is probably the most significant component to your foundation.
Part of your overall plan is figuring out what you will do for exercise. In this process, I also want you to find your joyful movement. What type of movement or variety of movements makes you feel great and in the moment? The goal is to find a way to make exercising a fun experience and something you will dedicate to for the long term and not consider it another chore on your to-do list. Remember, if you need help, contact me!
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Tags: EmployeeWellness, Fitness, Wellness